| - This is another one of those havens for impulse buyers on the Danforth. In short, I love it!
IQ Living is constantly changing their window decor and offerings. It is always clean, if not a bit over-stuffed and overpriced. I realize the little guy needs to charge more, though, so I don't say much, except in the cozy, friendly confines of Yelp.
Essentially, any quality kitchen gadget you may need can be found here. Lots of fantastic Le Creuset offerings, Henkels knives, etc. A good selection of eco-friendly options (bamboo utensils, litterless lunch accessories, etc.) are there for you to view.
The staff are all immensely helpful in my opinion. They recognize that the store does draw a certain crowd (you know, the #firstworldproblems crowd?) and they're aware and ok with it. They deal with every customer in the same manner, whether or not you're looking for those little corn holders (shaped like corn, awwww) or a much more pricey pot or knife.
They're also conveniently located directly to another impulse-buyer Mecca (albeit an outdoor-themed one) which has me convinced they are owned by the same people. I guess anything is possible.
IQ Living sends mailers every so often, but they don't inundate you and you are free to browse without being asked if you need help 600 times within 5 minutes.
Lots of stock, lots to look at and a range of prices from accessible to "you'rekiddingmeright?". Definitely worth a gander.