Two words, STAY AWAY! This place is a complete scam, and pride themselves on ripping people off. I brought a package I needed to mail and the guy who worked there told me it would be $39 for 1-2 week shipping using FedEx! This was a small package containing a movie and child's toy! I told him that price didn't sound comparable to the FedEx location I usually go to, he didn't seem to care at all if I mailed it though them or not. I then drove to FedEx and shipped the package for $10.47 using TWO day shipping! I cannot believe the amount of money they are pocketing from people. Also, the lady in front of me was mailing a laptop and the guy was insisting she use a padded envelope to send it! She kept stating she needed more secure packaging, which he finally obliged to. She then requested that he put "fragile" on the box, and he refused. He stated verbatim "if I put that on the box the mail carrier will throw your package on the ground." She seemed shocked and walked away without a response. You really need to re-evaluate your business practices as well as customer service. The employee I'm referencing was working on Monday June 19th at 10:00am.