Hello little fish
you look so happy and fresh
pink gill and clear eye.
No contest when it comes to fresh fish in the Westside Market and the rest of Cleveland's seafood purveyors. Everything always looks, and is, fresh. Everything is clearly marked, and I do not see anything in the overfished/endangered category. As of late, the pink Florida gulf shrimp are excellent, but my absolute fave, when available, are real homemade crab cakes. My gawd are they good! $4 each, and totally worth it.
Beware of the "krabcake" or "krabbycake" you find elsewhere. The spelling is the giveaway. If it is purposely misspelled it is not made with real crab, but imitation crab meat and/or surimi. Just like "bluberries", "razberries" or "I Can't Believe its Not Butter".
You can't believe it?
Have you tasted it?
I can totally believe it. -Although "Country Crock" is somewhat aptly named.
Sweet irony... These products are an affront to everything I hold gastronomically holy.
But I digress.
Kate's Fish does not disappoint.
Carry on.