The actual airport is great. The workers however suck balls. I dropped a loved one off at the drop off area. As I hopped back onto my car 30seconds later I was yelled at by security to move forward. Wow to the fact that I am dropping a loved one off and can't even watch them walk onto the sidewalk let alone add an address into my GPS. Anyway, the security guard proceeded to yell some more to move forward even though I was attempting to leave and a van with no passengers with hazards on blocked my view to pull out into traffic. No, the security guard did not yell and blow his whistle at him and no did he pick up anyone as it was a drop off location. So a warning to those trying to get a glimpse of a loved one leaving, YOU WILL NOT GET IT thanks to the bright eyed mean hearted security that yells and screams with no aid or assistance. Enjoy Charlotte!