| - This has to be the most useless, annoying, inconvenience place I've ever stored my funds. First off, the lines, lines, lines. Anytime they're actually even open there's one huge line, plan on taking 30-50 minutes there anytime you have to go inside. Secondly, do you know how many times they can and will overdraft and then fine you for it a day? If you guessed 4, you are correct! Four different overdrafts and 4 different 35.00 dollar fines a day! Isn't that neat??! Another thing, if someone steals your credit card number or you sign up for a service and then you try to cancel and that service decided to keep charging you money month after month, don't worry because Azfederal will have their back. Not yours. It's been 1 year, 12 different charges from a company I never signed up for and tried to cancel service with 7 different times. And yet, here we are, one year later, still getting money taken out by Azfed who refuses to stop the payments. I asked if I could contest the charge they said, "Since it's an automatic credit charge, we can't stop paying it. " I guess, I just have to pay if forever then, it's not like it's literally the banks job to make sure that I do not get false charges to my account. When my roommate stole one of my checks and wrote it to herself and put it into her account (No signature) her bank cashed it and when I went to contest it at AZfed they said, "Sorry, we can't stop payment on checks, :/". So they can't stop payment on literally anything, so if you're expecting them to keep your money safe try somewhere else. If you are looking for a place to honor your request of "Just deny the charges if I don't have money and don't overdraft me." Look somewhere else, this bank can't do that either. If you are a person who works and are looking for a place that can give you service anytime before or after your job begins, look somewhere else because they close at 6pm, Monday through Friday. Fun note, they have less than 5 branches in all of Maricopa County. So that's 5 banks to service 9,224 miles of land. So if you are going to ever need to go to one expect to add a 20-30 min drive time onto your 40 minutes line wait to be told that whatever your problem is, "Sorry, we can't help you.".