Hey guess what? We get it it's not Agave anymore...get over it!!! Every other bad review dings Dos Caminos for not being Agave. Let me explain how businesses work. Dos Caminos didn't force Agave to close. It closed because no one went there. If you loved it so much, you should have gotten up from your tushy and eaten there. But you obviously didn't so now you just have to accept that these are two different restaurants. Got it? They are not related. Cool? OK great! Now that that's clear, I digress.
Is the service painfully slow here? Good God yes! Are most of the servers a tiny bit stupid/bored/socially awkward? Why yes they are. Is the food still just as delicious as it was when it was on the strip? Yes indeed do! This is a solid 3.5 stars. The food really is good. Great guacamole, quesadillas and chilaquiles were also really good.