| - Do not take your pet here!!!! They are more interested in milking your wallet than helping your pet.
I took my dog here and this vet prescribed $700 of medicine and $500 of tests (most of which were redundant) even after I told her I was a student who could not afford that type of vet bill. Rather than working with me to pare down the tests and find effective affordable alternative medications to prescribe, she lectured me, basically told my son my dog was going to die, and all around treated me like an uncaring cheapskate. I paid for what medications I could, but my dog was still sick after giving him those meds.
Thankfully, I found another vet who ran the necessary tests and prescribed the appropriate medicine for 1/10th of the cost ($100 instead of $1200). My dog is back to his old self, thanks to the other vet. However, if I had relied on Banfield, he would certainly have died because I could not afford the outrageous price of the tests and medicine, and they just would not work with me. Seriously, there are too many caring, reasonable vets in the CU area for anyone to ever feel like they should bring their pet here.