Just. Terrible.
Someone gave a me a free 7 Day Trial Pass Coupon so I could try it out. As soon as I walked in and showed them the pass, they sent me over to a consultation center and try to upsell me all these things and are overly nice and seem caring about my performance. However, when I get home I realized the Guest Pass they emailed me was only for FOUR days and not SEVEN. The next day I talk with the staff member I talked to before and he was saying "Oh sorry I'll send you a new pass right now", Later that day... NO new pass.
Today I wake up and notice I'm getting spam text messages from them. About $0 registration fees if I sign up TODAY ONLY. and how there are low rates for only $19.99. So that annoyed me, but then I go in this morning and see the same staff worker again. I ask him why I didn't get my free 7 day pass yet? Then he tries to haggle with me asking what's the difference between 5 days (even though I really received 4) or 7 free days. and then was saying "You know a guest pass is $15 a day, so I'm already saving you $85 already. and then after I told him how I was upset with the customer service and getting spam texts he said "You know I can just cancel your trial pass right now, if you want"
So not only was I so furious about the way they handle their potential new customers, they have a TON of false advertising, and with tons of hidden fees.
The gym is always really crowded, poorly set up and there aren't really any places to walk around and look at things. Anytime you just want to look at a machine you feel like your in someone else's way. Everything is just too compacted.
Save your money and try an alternative gym or methods to get fit.
LA Fitness only cares about your money, and that's it.