I had been looking forward to seeing the new science centre for sometime. I had the chance to visit it this weekend.
Wow, what a disappointment. It's expensive and there's not much there. There were three or four exhibits. Each of the exhibits were very hands on but not much in the way of science. For example, there were a few stations for creating animation and music sampling. This was entertaining but it was a multimedia experience with no science background. There was also an exhibit on climate change. The stations seemed more like a few snippets of information than anything substantial.
It costs $20/adult plus $5 for parking. I feel it's more flash and little substance, a giant building with four exhibits. We saw everything in just over an hour. We left wondering why there isn't more there to do. They definitely could have taken a cue from cities like Seattle and Vancouver.
Kids will have fun but if you're interested in astronomy, physics or chemistry you'll be disappointed.