Had to fly round trip to Southern California for a funeral/memorial service. Able to get a $99 Wanna Get Away rate for each way. Flight to LAX uneventful. Flight home, not so much. Delayed 3x from 6:25 to 7 then 7:30 then 8:05 and when finally on the plane, the forward bathroom was inoperable. Then, waited NEARLY AN HOUR for luggage. Went into baggage office after 45 minutes to ask the employees what was going on; there was a reader board with incoming flights and how many minutes the bags were taking to get to baggage claim and our flight was right at the top with NOTHING next to it; and there were other flights that received their bags in 6 minutes, 8 minutes - why is there a reader board, if you're not using the information on it to help your customers? (And why put this in public view, where irate passengers can see how badly they drop the ball?) They called on a radio to ask what was going on, then there was an announcement that they were so sorry for the delay, but a load of freight was removed from our flight before the luggage and our bags were coming soon. Why??? Why did anyone at Southwest think it was OK for passengers to wait for over an hours - who have already been delayed over 1.5 hours - for their luggage? Ten more minutes and nothing; even the belt stopped moving. Back to the baggage office to complain again. Same clueless employee still had no information other than "coming momentarily". Out of the corner of my eye I saw the mob of passengers waiting at baggage carousel 8 begin to drift away then she said, Oh, your bags are moved to Carousel 4! Plane landed at 9pm. Got bags after 10pm. Someone at Southwest thought this was an acceptable way to treat passengers and guess what - it's not.