| - As far as Vegas clubs go, the layout of this one is pretty nice. The waterfall is neat, multiple bars make getting a drink pretty easy, and if you want a sweet VIP booth, you're in luck - they feature prominently in this club and look pretty comfortable.
Not that I was in one. I was over in the crevice where two walls met, hiding from the shoe-Nazi bouncer while quickly rubbing my tired feet (bouncers shine a flashlight on girls to make sure they're wearing shoes). Too damn old for this shit.
Weekend music was all EDM crap spun by multiple untalented DJ's. He'd fade in the intro of a song everyone loves "Ooooh booiii 99 Problems, this is my jaaam!" and then spin it into some completely different shitty non-song..."Uhhh...just keep dancing, maybe it'll loop back around!" It never did.
$$$ drinks are served in plastic glasses - mine had a crack in it that let 1/3 of my drink leak out. After waiting for the bartendress to notice me again, she dumped what remained into another glass. Vegas, bitches!
$30 cover for guys, $20 for girls. Our bouncer offered us the *amazing* deal of 5 people for $120 - that is, $10 less than it would have been anyway. -__-
Bf and I lasted for about 1.5 hours, which is actually really great for me in a club. The high cover charge for chicks meant that it was a full-blown sausage fest on the dance floor, and I had a pretty amazing time watching bros try to wriggle themselves into bachelorette parties that had bottle service.
3 stars for an entertaining time, being cheaper than other mistakes I could have made that night, and for looking so dang classy. Short of the guest list, though, I probably won't make the drive out here again.