| - Lowe's. Your friendly neighborhood home improvement store! I am in Lowe's once a week for who knows what. It's always something, right? I've recently made some bigger purchases at Lowe's. I decided to go with Lowe's because I had yet to have a negative experience there. My boyfriend and I went to purchase a refrigerator. We browsed for a while and came to a decision. It was a very nice, two door, Samsung with all the bells and whistles. (Ice maker, water dispenser, etc.) We asked a sales associate to assist us. He was quite friendly and knowledgeable, but he began talking us out of the fridge that we wanted. We listened to his argument. He claimed the only problem with the one we picked is the LED lighting inside. He said it can be blocked out if objects are placed in front of it. We took a few minutes to mull it over. We decided that it didn't seem like a big deal to us and wanted to make the purchase. He was suddenly quite persistent and it became abundantly clear that the refrigerator we wanted didn't offer him the same incentive as the other brand. We went with our initial choice and have been very happy with it for about 4 months.
We recently needed a door replaced in our house. A very standard, white, bedroom door. The measurement process can get lengthy. We took them up on their offer to have someone come out and measure the door for us. A nice man came to my house to measure. He was here about 30 minutes. I then went to Lowe's to finish placing the order. The associate started punching numbers into the computer and gave my boyfriend and I a total cost. It was over $330. This was on top of the $90 it cost for the measurements to be taken. We had the feeling something wasn't right. The same feeling we got when the refrigerator salesman was insisting on nudging us his way. It didn't add up, so we waited. We came back a few weeks later with our own measurements. We ordered the same door and it was less than $70. I'm still not sure what went wrong the first time, but it was a very negative experience. I am happy to report though, that I should have a door arriving any day. (Knock on wood nothing goes wrong.)
Last, but certainly not least. A very similar experience, but in the carpeting department. I have a room that needs re carpeting. We took a sample of our carpet and went to Lowe's to look for a match. Lucky for us, we stumbled on a close match almost immediately. We asked an associate for assistance. Of course, he had to tell us that even though it was quite an obvious match, it wasn't the best choice. Okay. If he's trying to save me money, that is great. But I expressed I did not like the carpet he was trying to sell me and I didn't mind paying a few cents more a square foot for an almost perfect match. He was, like the two associates in my above stories, annoyingly persistent. We left the store, disgruntled and will be buying carpet elsewhere.
I have never worked for Lowe's. I'm not sure what their policies are or how they treat their employees. It does seem to me, though that these sales associates are extremely set on certain brands or items. And it's scarring away customers.