| - Based on a few other reviews I've read it sounds like I'm not the only one to be thinking "what exactly is going on here?". There are all kinds of subtle absurdities...
- There is a hostess, which doesn't seem required since the place isn't that big, it's not a complex seating system, and...
- There are plenty of servers. You don't seem to have a dedicated server for your table, they somehow all float around and get things done, interchanging frequently with some kind of weird hive group-think
- There was a guy playing the guitar and singing some songs. Well, he mostly talked actually (very interactively with the crowd which was kind of far away). He also had a girl sitting behind him or standing by him who seemed to do nothing at all besides take a sip of wine periodically.
- They serve lots of special hot drinks, their signature being the Mt. Charleston Coffee with Drambuie, and some other stuff. Sounds cool, we get comes out in a Stella (beer) glass. True, it is an adequate vessel to contain a liquid but it was the complete opposite of what you would expect this drink to arrive in
- My wife asks what the soup-of-the-day is. Was told the name which in no way described what the soup actually contained. It took some more questioning to learn this info. Server went to the other side of the table and those we were with asked the same question since the couldn't hear our convo. Same response. You'd think the server would just auto-fill with what was in this fancily named soup. Nope.
- We ordered the pretzel. The pretzel was awesome, big, salty, soft. But it came with this heinous fake cheese sauce that resembled plastic more than it did something edible. I'm no restaurateur but I don't think it takes a gourmand to think "hey, how about I class this up with some whole grain mustard vice this alien cheeze-whiz stuff I've got going on."
Interesting to say the least. Nice views!