Update: We were finally and thankfully able to get the owner/manager of Quality Bumper, Todd Delabio, down to the Chevy dealership who first inspected the water leak. So much easier dealing with everyone at once at a neutral location rather than the nightmare and a half that was constant back and forth calling and arguing just to get someone to understand that hey...something is wrong with our car that wasn't there before the hitch was installed. Quality Bumper was telling us one thing and the dealership was telling us another all while being stuck in the middle and told we were being bullies for our reviews. It was depressing, exhausting to the point of wanting to give up, we were getting thrown in so many directions and no one was owning up. It was a giant mess that I'm happy is finally past us once we were able to get all hands on deck. Todd was very pleasant in person and understanding that we would rather have the dealer handle our car from here on out, he definitely worked with us to figure out that at some point during the hitch installation a medium size filter looking thing with flaps that keeps water out had fallen off and was never noticed or put back on. Eureka! Unfortunately snapping it back into place required the bumper coming off but Todd offered to foot the bill and for that I am thankful to Quality Bumper. Will hopefully be setting up an appointment with Todd soon to get our car detailed and that moldy water smell out of the carpets. In the end we're very happy Todd/Quality Bumper and Chevy were willing to work with us to figure all this out.