| - As a kid, my mom used to always drag me into antique shops. Well, now I'm 30, and my mom still does the same thing to me. Only now, I can appreciate the beauty of antiquing for what it is.
Upon a recent visit to Tremont, my mom and I ventured into the Cleveland Auction Company. It wasn't our first time in there; however, my mother got recognized this time by one of the guys there. This, to me, says two things: One: my mom is more popular in my own neighborhood than I am. And two: that these guys pay very close attention to detail such that they remember random out-of-towners who pay their shop a visit. Now granted, my mother is very vocal about everything she LOOOVES about each item she sees at an antique store. So I'm sure she chatted these people up a great deal. But still, it was really cool to see that the people who work at Cleveland Auction Company are not clones or robots; they are members of a community of artists and collectors who care about people who are passionate about that stuff. And that was pretty damn awesome.
Now onto the shop itself: vintage/used clothing; beautiful jewelry; furniture;'s all here, and you'll have to navigate every twist and turn of the small shop to find it all.
Last time she visited, my mom snuck off to the Cleveland Auction Company to buy me a used--but still gorgeous--rocking chair and stuck it in the baby's room for me to find. And it was only 40 bucks!!!!! Unheard of.
I love this store. You should go, and not only on the art walk, although the vibe is extra special on those nights.