| - Haze, how you disappoint me. I wanted to like you and enjoy my experience with you.. drinking and dancing the night away, however there was none of that.
First of all, I hate when you separate the girls into one line and the guys into another line. Of course you will let us in first and the guys are left in the other line waiting for 2 hours with a complimentary pass from the hotel that's only good until 12 am. Of course your bouncers will make them wait in line until it is after 12 am. and of course your bouncers will go up to every person in that line and ask them, " if you want... i get you in as VIP guests. just name a price, and i'll tell you if its high or low" WTF? The bouncer asked everyone in the line this.. obviously tipping him to get in. I personally would of said $0!! So what if someone said $1000? would the bouncer of said that $1000 is too high? haha
The the only thing i like about the interior is the huge chandeliers!! The dance floor is minuscule and the dancers looked like a huge school of fish that just got caught in a net! It was kinda sad... i basically saw people shoving each other, not dancing. =T
As if that wasn't bad enough, there's a room with a glass window and two belly dancers behind it. They were literally taking dollar bills and flapping them around in peoples faces as they walked by for tips. it was really pathetic and i felt kinda bad for them. Basically whenever a guy would pass by, they would start shimmeying and moving their hips very rapidly, then pick up the dollar bill and SHOW them how to put the money through the glass for them to tip. haha. now if thats not desperate, i dont know what is! I guess they truly work off their tips or something. kinda sucks. they should work else where!
FYI, there are A LOT of guys inside, and barely any girls.
If I could give this establishment 0 stars i just might. sorry haze but you were a huge disappointment !!