Oddly, the ordeal of visiting a DMV wasn't as stressful as I had anticipated. Being a newbie in NC, I had to get an in state drivers license prior to being able to register my vehicle. This is the first state I've lived where registration is tied to a license, but that's not a big deal.
I arrived and was in line by 6:15AM. The license office opens at 7AM. Luckily I was #2. By the time they opened there were another 20 people behind me. Once you get in they are somewhat terse, but very effiecient. I was at a counter with an examiner within 5-minutes and I had a temporary license 10-minutes after that. Schwing.
But, you can register your car at the same place you get your license so I had to leave and head nextdoor. Since the registration office opens at 8AM, I joined the line with 12 folks ahead of me. After an insignificant wait I was in and in a line for new registrations with only one patron ahead of me. I was called on at 3-minutes past 8. It didn't take 10 more minutes for them to charge me $478, give me a tag and send me on my way. Wow.
Except for the crazy charge for bringing my beat-up old car into NC, the folks here were great. I got a license and registration done I no time.
5 for customer service and efficiency. 2 for the crazy HUT tax on an old car. 4-stars overall.
Great job folks.