After the wonderful news that gay and lesbian couples can now legally marry in Phoenix, my fiance and I were delighted that we would not have to wait until next year to go out of state to get married. We found this company and thought they were a perfect fit for our special day. After planning with them for almost three weeks, we get this outrageous email message, "We are very uncomfortable with same sex marriage as it is directly against our beliefs. We would not be a very good fit." They have refused to proceed with our ceremony.
This company specifically states on their website, " When it comes to your special day there is only one rule . . .
You HAVE to be happy
Your preferences are our priority"
How is my preference your priority when you have a problem with my preference in who I want to marry?
Now, with only a month until our big day and plane tickets of friends and family already purchased, we have to try to find something in the budget we have created around this company. NOT COOL. I am more than dissatisfied, I am hurt and angry that there are still such closed minded people in the world who obviously do NOT know what love is.