You will settle for almost anything when you wake up with a hangover! Thankfully me and my friends came across this place before we passed out from our headaches and hunger. First order of business COFFEE! Now I take my coffee seriously y'all! Because I've probably had some of the worst coffee's ever at nice restaurants! But this wasn't too bad. We got seated in only five minutes or it was about 11:30 when we got seated. I wanted friends got lunch. My french toast was awesome...their sandwiches were salty. I win! It was a bit pricy...but that french toast could have easily fed three people! Too bad i was too nauseous to eat more than one piece...oh and the syrup was warm..awesome! Decor was alright. Simple and clean. There was a giant statue hanging over our heads which was a little distracting. Over all not too bad...but I would only get breakfast!