As you may notice, this is a drastic downgrade on our previous review. Unfortunately, my husband and I are leaving Dr. Jones' practice. To our disgust and dismay, he has decided to become a MDVIP or concierge doctor, and we just don't have the extra $3,000 to pay him on top of our already obscene medical expenses for what amounts to relatively minimal additional services. I guess he now only wishes to see affluent patients despite having taken an oath to help all in medical need regardless of circumstance. I know there are a lot of problems in our country's health care delivery system, but selecting patients solely on ability to pay large sums out of pocket and abandoning all others, even many longterm patients like ourselves, is only going to make the situation worse. Of course, if a doctor's only motive is maximizing the money, it may have its appeal regardless of how many patients it hurts.