CCV has transformed me into a strong Christian in less than a year! The only way to really express this is to tell a little bit of my story....I started going to church about 7 months ago. I had never been before and wasn't strong in my faith at all. The first time I came to the high school service, the people were so nice! The student pastor, Jonny, is one of the coolest guys you'll ever meet. Anyway, I attended CIY this past summer and accepted God into my life. I got baptized 2 months ago!
I like that CCV has so many volunteer opportunities! I'm a back up singer in the high school band and a youth coach for 2nd-6th grade. People of pretty much all ages can volunteer in several areas of the church, such as coaching kids, working in the coffee shop, and greeting people at the door. The regular service always has a great message that applies to life. Sunday has become my favorite day of the week.
If you are looking for a church to go to, CCV is the best option. There are several campuses across the valley, some big, some small. Very family friendly and welcoming. I love my church!!!