| - Let me start by saying that I am fashionably challenged. I'm not into the current trends or what's "in style". I'm a comfort and functionality girl, if it happens to be in style, that's just a bonus for me. I generally know WHAT looks good...I just don't know HOW to make things look good. Because of this, I never go shopping without taking a friend with me, because I don't know how to piece outfits/accessories together.
Having said that, I got bored one day and decided to try shopping on my own. I'm also a cheapskate (no pun on the name of the store intended). Because fashion isn't a huge deal to me, I don't like spending a lot of money to look good. I'd sold a few things at Uptown before they opened to the public (that was a great experience too!) and I loved the stuff I saw. So I went shopping all by myself. Mind you, I'm 30 and have had maybe one or two other successful solo shopping trips, ever.
The girls in the store were a HUGE help. Leah first approached me to see if I needed any help, I did! She helped me pick out a few things and told me how a few shirts "worked" that didn't make sense to me. I tried everything on and came out to show Leah every time. By the third or fourth outfit, Mystic was also helping out. Both girls were super patient with me and my many, many stupid questions. They would both run and grab things for me that they thought may go better. They also told me how to accessorize outfits. But above all, they were honest with me! If something didn't look good on me, they told me (in a very sweet way) that that piece probably wasn't the best option for me. This was the most appreciated help I could have ever received. Generally sales associates tell you everything looks good. Then you go home or show a friend and they make a funny face and tell you to return it. Having Mystic and Leah's help was like shopping with a good friend!
I left that day with a $96 bill. I bought: a super nice, warm coat...4 shirts...a maxi skirt...and the cutest scarf I'd ever seen. I wished the owner of the store had been there that day so I could tell them how great Leah and Mystic were. But, since she wasn' I am. :) You've got some great employees who really know what it means to help a customer! Thanks to Leah and Mystic for the great service and sorry it's taken me a couple of weeks to post this!