With all do respect to NY and Chicago style pizza... I dub thy Dewey's as the official home of Cleveland style pizza! Not too thin like NY, but not one slice and you're full thick like Chicago. Dewey's offers a great middle ground.
If you have kiddos, this place is great! They have Windows to the kitchen where the kiddos can watch all the pizzas being made. Pizza maker dude even has fun with the kids by tossing the dough in the air and then at the window. Our three year old loved it!
Their menu is filled with lots of specialty pizzas as well as the classics. One cool thing is that you can do half/half of any kind....mix a specialty with a basic. We opted for the Hawaiian on one side and pepperoni on the other. The Canadian bacon slices were huge!! Oh so good! Again, the crust was amazing! I'd say the best part about the pizza was the sauce! You can for real tell how fresh it was. I could taste the tomatoes and other ingredients with every bite! I'd highly recommend this pizza to anyone!
Lastly, the service. Dewey's has a great approach of "everyone can help you." We had one person seat us. One person order our drinks. One person bring drinks. Another person took our order etc. this was great because sometimes at restaurants you have to flag/find your server, but here... Anyone will help. There was even on server whose specific job was just to walk around with a water jug and fill. Wow!
We loved coming here and will be back! We were so hungry we forgot to take a pic! Sorry y'all!