I came to Blush lane looking for the oddest thing. Deodorant. Due to reactions from big brand names I've had to switch to an all natural variety that won't irritate my skin. The only problem was this Calgary based company (Routine) only offered their product in a few locations so when I saw that Blush Lane was carrying it and I was going to be in the vicinity I was so happy!
Not only did they have a ton of (Routine Cream) they had tons of other things to buy as well. The store is really small and it's kind of crammed. I found it really over whelming because your in groceries and you turn the corner and your in a completely new section.
They have manuka honey for $23 I just paid $30 at my health food store! They carry all the vitamins I love for much cheaper too so I have to remember this for the future! I also saw a great selection of food here I only looked at some of the products as I was getting stir crazy, Lots of different lactose free cheese!!! Will also have to remember this.
The lady who helped me find what I was looking for in the first place was super sweet. The girls at the cash out were a bit annoying. Talking to one another was more important than customers, and nobody knew who was going to take me as their customer at both open tills. I went back and forth and finally put my things down as I was getting irritated by the unnecessary confusion. They also asked me if I was a blush lane member.. I was hoping she would have followed up with (Would you like to join?). She didn't , (sad panda) I felt too awkward to ask if I could after the fact in-case I might have interrupted their very important conversation earlier with my purchase.
Yay products! Boo on POS! Not enough to deter me from returning to make future purchases though.