"Flowers in my hair and your breath smelled like whiskey
Promised anywhere that I go, take you with me."
There's something magical about walking through a room full of flowers while holding hands with that special someone. The winter holiday exhibit 2015 was amazing and what's better is that the Picasso poinsettias smelled like roses! I mean, there really were just as many flowers as you could possibly fit into that room (and it's not a small room). It was pretty beautiful.
I also got a kick out of looking at all the penguins, watching the Coca Cola train weaving in and out of the flowers, walking through a snowy tunnel, being mesmerized by a giant rocking horse ebbing back and forth, and taking pictures in front of a giant Christmas tree.
For not having a super festive Christmas season up to that point, it really turned it around for me. The Christmas spirit was heavy in there and it was freakin' awesome. The exhibit was so nice, that I would honestly really like to go back there again during the Christmas season to see it.
I can't speak too much for the exhibit during other times of year, but if this one was any indication, it is more than worth checking out. They go all out and it's a really great experience for all!