| - 2 stars. It received one right off for the easy set up of the account (although if one wanted to set up, and GO it is impossible as it takes 5 days to check your background, drivers license status, etc) and the vast amount of easy to access information available and some snazzy videos too. It received the second star for the zippy cars they use (unfortunately zipcar and autoshare have ceased to use smart cars, so BOOOOOO!). It did NOT receive a 3rd star due to the issues they do experience with connectivity/ending trip/car hardware problems. It did NOT receive a 4th star due to the rollback/removal on updating the fleet with electric drive smarts for Toronto (this was a huge selling point for us wishing to join car2go at the beginning), and finally it did NOT receive the 5th star due to the ridiculously small "home" area. Toronto is big and there are a LOT of people who would like to pick up/drop off/use a car just outside the home area. I work all over Toronto and would defiantly use a car if one was close to me in the west non-home area (4km from the zone boundary) and would finish my trip 3km east of the home boundary, and I work 4 km north of the boundary), however, If they expanded to 427 in the west, 401 (or even better Finch) to the north, and Kennedy to the east, it would boost the usage 10-fold plus. Also, no one at car2go has explained (and they are confused as I am) that (currently) 21cars are located 3-6km OUTSIDE the home area in GreenP lots, that can start and end trips and yet there are no signs in these lots for car2go and when we attempted it (parked in the SAME spot as a car was 20mons earlier) we cannot end the trip.