Everytime we go to this IHOP we end up getting sick. The kids they have working there are not experienced and have no idea how to make things right when you have a complaint. The cooks are not very good. We ask for our bacon not crisp and it comes out burnt. Told the waiter but he said they blanch it the night before, cook it, freeze it and then microwave it the day it is served. This seems like a lot of work and the bacon ends up like a piece of wood. What is so difficult about putting a piece of bacon on the grill and cooking it fresh.
Another thing that was upsetting is that a lot of kids from Hamilton High School go to this IHOP and they take over the place. They are loud, obnoxious and throw their stuff all over the floor and act like they are having their own private party. Nobody would dare say anything to them because they are entitled. They are all on their cell phones and some were throwing food around. One table had 4 girls who shared one hamburger and never left a tip. They did leave a big mess. The waiter was around their age so I guess he was scared to say anything to them. We have noticed in other restaurants where Hamilton kids go, they are always disruptive and rude. We stopped going to the Wendys by Hamilton High because of this type of behavior.
Anyhow, we both got diarrhea and intestinal problems again from eating at this IHOP. This is the 4th time. Something is definitely wrong in the kitchen healthwise. We are done -