Short-changed and Rude owner!
I've lived there for 3 months, and come in a few times. This time, had just come from the bank machine, so certain of my cash/bills. They short changed me $14.00.
I emptied out EVERY pocket, showed inside my purse - even on the receipt it was clear the teller had made an error and not entered the $20. I said I was ok to be late for work, please count the till. The owners son came.
"Who are you? I've never seen you! You're just some lady wanting money!" He was beyond rude, insulting and in front of others in line.
Excuse me?! I was offering to be late for work to count the till so they wouldn't be out either.
Housemate just told me turns out they were under that day. And they certainly didn't give me too much change! Seems the teller, or owners son have counting problems.
NOT COOL to accuse someone of trying to scam you. It was a horrible way to treat someone, especially over the holidays and especially when you're wrong. It was humiliating and just cruel. They had my number & never called to apologize.
Due to short changed, and the cruel owner - I would NEVER go back. Hope the $14 was worth it to him.