| - Bragging that you only use 100% Angus beef for the Original 1966 Wineburger is a huge mistake since they hadn't marketed that sissified beef here until the mid 1980s.
Real Wineburgers are alive and well in East Phoenix, and the burgers haven't changed in 40 years that I'm aware of. Visit the Dirty Drummer on 44th Street and Oak. Here you will find the original crispy Wineburger texture that tastes like 1966 with real french fries not some batter coated crapola invented after Y2K. Look for Dave the owner, under the TV near the grill and pick his brain, order a burger and taste the difference. He can give you valuable information about the brand you purchased because he was one of the guyz in the Burger Pack.. You heard of the Rat Pack? These guys served this town with great burgers and cold cocktails. Pick the brain of the guy that helped start the OWB, The Dirty Drummers, and partied with other like minded burger bar owners like Minderbinder's, Chuckbox, The Monastery, and probably a few more. Make the neighborhood proud and get to work recreating the original. Throwing frozen angus on the grill just ain't cutting it, the texture is completely different.
$3.50 a draft for Coors? and no pitchers? At least serve small pitchers like a good burger bar. Thank you for keeping it family friendly and convenient for those of us that live here. My wish list, Better table service and cooking up front is a huge plus that you seem to have missed the mark with a closed kitchen. Oh yea, and learn how to cook an over easy egg.
Good luck I hope you strive to be the original you advertise to be.