| - This poor review is based solely on the abysmal customer service at this establishment. The food isn't really anything to write home about either, but it's better than one star I suppose.
I was meeting up with my Mother and sister for dinner and we thought it would be fun to try Real Sports out. I called the restaurant at 11 that morning to make a reservation. The girl that I spoke to made it seem like it was ludicrous that I was even trying to make a reservation and suggested that in future I should book 3 weeks in advance. Really? Cause that seems pretty darn's a bar, not the Ritz. Anyway, she somehow managed to find space for us. While I was on the phone with her, I informed her that my sister was 7 months pregnant and that we COULD NOT be placed at a high top table. I also mentioned that a booth would be most comfortable for her. She told me she would be sure we weren't and I figured all was well (are you getting that sinking feeling that perhaps I was wrong to think that? Read on...).
When we arrived, we were instructed to go upstairs and the hostess on the 2nd level would show us to our table. We were rather perplexed as we saw plenty of empty booths available on the first floor, but went along with it none the less. We were told that the only way upstairs was to walk up this long winding staircase. Now, keep in mind my sister was SUPER pregnant. I turned to the girl and asked if there was an elevator and she told me there wasn't. So, my poor sister had to trudge up the stairs.
When we got to the top of the stairs, the hostess up there led us to our reserved table. Guess what kind of table it was...Did you guess a high top table? Bingo.
It is actually pretty much physically impossible for a 7 month pregnant woman to get into one of those super high chairs. We all just stood there incredulously and the clueless hostess was totally puzzled as to what the issue was. I had to point out the fact that my sister was pregnant (you'd have to be blind not to notice) and made mention of the fact that I had requested ANYTHING but a high top table because of that fact. She then informed me that there are only high top tables on the 2nd floor and that we'd have to go back downstairs to see what they could do for us (she didn't even offer to call down to them first, there was just this feeling of, "well, you're not my problem anymore.").
. . .
I was livid at this point and asked her if she really was suggesting that my sister was going to have to walk back down all those stairs that she was made to climb for absolutely no reason. At which point the girl pointed to the escalator.
WHERE DID THAT MAGICAL ESCALATOR COME FROM?!? Cause when I asked the hostess downstairs if the stairs were the only way up she said there was no other option. So, I guess it must have been installed in the last 5 minutes. Uncanny!
When we got back downstairs by way of magic escalator I asked the hostess why we had been sent upstairs in the first place. She informed me that there was nothing on my reservation about no high-top table. Which begs the question, why not?! Also, anyone using their brain at all wouldn't have sent a pregnant woman upstairs knowing there was no suitable place up there for her to sit!
We were then seated in one of the many vacant booths which we weren't deemed worthy of initially.
Honestly? If my poor sister hadn't been so hungry by this point, I would have stormed out of there. The stupidity and inconsideration of the staff was simply maddening.