How's that for eye catching? well that's what the Beer Boutique in Liberty Village offers with their beer tasting Wednesday's. This is not a free for all though, attendees do have to pre-book the Friday in advance(in store only) and space is limited to about 12 peeps, but I ask this... Is there a better way to celebrate a Wednesday hump night then with gratis beer and pizza? I'll have to answer that with a resounding NO.
The night we attended the emphasis was on American beers. We were told later by our fine host Nick (a Bartender by trade) that they didn't expect a large turnout because of the negative association that people tend to have toward American beers as a whole. I can remember funnelling Coors Light as a teen and having to beg, borrow and steal Bud's, and to this day have an aversion to both, but I can't blame our southern neighbours for this entirely, because America does have good beer. And although we don't think of America as a beer nirvana I am more than willing to give American beers a second shot as a adult. On this fine evening as I recall we sampled Miller Chill, which for those not in the "know" is billed as light lime beer and boasts of only being 100 calories, good for helping me keep my girlish figure. we also sampled Mickey's Malt Liquor, and to be honest I can't remember whether it was good or bad, but I do remember that the bottle resembled a grenade which is powerful imagery for a malt liquor.
The actual tasting was hosted by the aforementioned Nick, who was able to handle the round table with aplomb and grace, despite having to deal with a dreadful beer snob whose perpetual negativity was the only black spot on an otherwise pleasant evening. Nick selected two pizza's from Panago to pair with the American beers, and I must say that my personal favourite was the Miller Chill with the roasted vegetable and goat cheese-I have stomach pangs of longing now just writing about it.
The Beer Boutique has faced some criticism, in that many may feel its a glorified Beerstore, or that the LCBO has a better beer selection, and that calling itself a boutique is a tad pretentious, it kind of is. But the only time I've been we were afforded free beer and pizza and I was able to pick up my beloved Kronenberg 1664 Blanc, so all in all not a bad Wednesday evening I must say.