My husband took me to this show for our 20th Anniversary this past weekend. I had no idea what I was in for. At first, I was like, what is going on here?! I had no idea what to expect or what the show was even about. Even now after seeing it, it's hard to describe. You get divided in the room based on whether you have an iPhone or an "other." Then you compete against each other in a number of different games (these games are all spelled out on cardboard cut outs she has in a pile on a table). There are no rules and you can kind of do whatever you want to try to get points for your team (apart from getting points by winning games). We ended up having the best time! The "host" is really funny and super entertaining. Her sidekick, Tiffany, is amazing (and the most flexible human I've even seen I should add). I would definitely recommend this show to friends and family!