I love Outback Steakhouse, and I know they are especially busy on Saturdays. So my friend called and told them to put his name down for a reservation at 6pm. My girlfriend and I arrive there first to be told there is no reservation under that name, and that she(the manager) had been handling the phones all day as well as the scheduling for the reservations. I call my friend he tells me a guy answered and put us all down for 6. So I wait for him and his wife to get there and it's an hour wait without reservation. They give us a 20 minute wait for inconvenience...even though we shouldn't have had to wait with a reservation made. So we sit down and order. My friend ordered the porterhouse which he orders all the time. They bring him or a t bone and say it's a porterhouse. So all in all I love outback but this location I probably won't be going back to.