I gave a great review on the childcare facility for my infant. But today......I reached my point of being fed-up in the request that the simple, common sense actions of taking care of a child are done. Yesterday when I picked my baby up he had dried up baby food all over his shirt. I said "please don't leave my baby dirty, he has a chance of clothes in his diaper bag." Well, this evening upon picking him up his clothes (onesie, long sleeve and pants) were wet. I asked what happen? Why are his clothes wet like this? As usual I got the scripted answer.....I DON'T KNOW. HE MUST HAVE ALREADY BEEN LIKE THAT! I have already stepped down from my current position at work in order to have my child taken care of til a certain hour cause I was no satisfied with the care outside of his infant class hours. I don't expect my child to be attended to as if he is the only child in the room but I do expect that he will be cared for in a safe, proper and professional manner.