I have no idea how this place is rated 3 stars. Ive been to vegas 3 times. We try to stay at different places to check out new hotels. But by far this is the best hotel we have stayed at.
Huge rooms
Huge bed
The have a shuttle that stops at 1am and circulates every 30 min.
FRIDGE!! Weve stayed in other hotels way more expensive. They have no fridge. Your in vegas for goodnes sake you need a fridge
Spa services need to relax you get to go once each day you stay it was amazing. N they have delicious drinks in there.
Wifi some hotels still have dial up wtf ?! Lol
Its off the strip. Some people might find that a bad thing but i really enjoyed it. It was all drunk party people on the strip and you got to experience that but then you go to rio and you feel like you were away from all the craziness but still in vegas.
Its a bit hard to get around. If we left somethin in the car it was a mission to go get it lol.
Its so great you really need to check it out.