I am moved to write this based on the actions of your employee Michael, driver # 1310018. Tonight as I was leaving Walmart, I noticed an elderly lady that was disabled and distraught. She realized she had lost her phone when we went to call for a cab to pick her up and take her back to her senior care facility. My daughter and I happened to be walking by and it was without question that we would help her. I called Discount Cab but was unable to determine if her phone was found and was told to wait a day to call back since the driver may have not turned it in yet. I continued to wait with her making sure she knew she wasn't alone and that the absence of a phone would not be a limitation to her. When Michael showed up, he was unaware of who he was driving and as I proceeded to explain the situation, he didn't miss a beat! He immediately got on the phone and was able to locate the phone. He realized that his patron was protected by ADA and she needed her phone asap. Not only did he get her home with her groceries but he also drove completely out of his way to get the phone off of Camelback only to come back to the 19th and Cactus area. He called me from her phone to let me know he picked it up and I spoke with Dorothy afterwards to confirm she got home ok and that Michael helped her with all her stuff and gave her a big hug. I almost cancelled that cab for her and took her home. Had I done that, we never would have witnessed how caring and compassionate your driver was. If there was ever a brand ambassador for your company, Michael would be it. I have never taken a cab in my life but if I did you can guarantee it would be Discount Cab. It's so rare today for people to stop and help one another without wanting something in return and it was really a blessing to witness the sincerity in Michael's actions. Simply put, he is an asset to your company and has a servants heart. He understood his customer and her needs and met every single one. We all could be so lucky to have that kind of service. Michael is #1 in my book and I hope that you share this all the way to the top.