| - On Yonge street, just at the northern tip of Rosedale, sits the Health Shoppe - a meek, organic foods store with no attitude and very few customers.
The store is so unobtrusive that I walked by it a thousand times on my way to work without noticing it. When I finally did notice it, it looked to me like a simple vitamin store that was food-less and therefore no fun. But one day, I decided to live a little and go against my usually poor judgement and walked in the doors.
I'm glad I did. The Health Shoppe does carry food after all. In fact it has a multitude of uniquely branded cereals -- many of them are start-up companies --, dried goods, and frozen products. They also have an excellent variety of bulk foods, which unlike Whole Foods, doesn't seem like you've scooped up three obese men into your plastic bag when it is weighed up for pricing at the counter.
The one valuable thing the store is missing is a worthwhile produce section, if this store were to throw that into the mix, people would be lined up outside the doors for their wares.