| - State Street in Madison, WI ~ an interesting mix of shopping stores, independent businesses, street entertainment, theaters, college wear shops, museums, coffee shops, bars, pubs and restaurants essentially connecting UW Madison to the state's capital building. The overall atmosphere kinda reminded me of the Westwood area around UCLA.
Anyways, the fiancee and I had talked about coming back to Madison to checkout the area again since the last time we rolled thru a bit late and the Capital building was already closed. This time around we arrived in downtown Madison just before 11am on a Saturday to find a huge farmers market surrounding the State capital building and complete with vendors and food trucks. Very lively!
After checking out the market and capital, we made our way down State Street to get to go see UW Madison campus. Along the way, plenty to stores we stumbled into briefly to escape that heat. Probably a mile of a walk from the Capital building down to the campus, but overall pretty entertaining and a good way see and to take in the city for what is it.
We'll definitely be back to explore this one again. Curious to see what it looks like on an evening night or on game day. =P
'Til next time, cheers!