Not a bad place to go. I went just recently for the first time after the little hype that I've heard.
First impression - the inside decor was badass. From the beer selection decor to the sweet modern couches. The look overall is great.
Its right by the mall, which is a great location. I think this place will do well because of that alone.
I ordered a burger. My friends ordered Chicken Marsala and Fish Tacos. Everyone seems to think their food was Ok. I don't think it was FANTASTIC, but I may have just ordered the wrong them for my liking.
Customer service was great. Everyone seemed genuinely nice and happy to be there. There is a pretty sweet bar area, which I thought looked cool as well.
I hear that the desert here is awesome. For that reason alone, I'll probably be back to try this place again. I may even order something different and try and get this place up to 4 or 5 stars!
Customer service 5/5
Restaurant cleanliness 5/5
Location 4/5 (because of the traffic)
Food 3/5
Value overall 3/5