Dopes to Infinity...and beyond.
I'm sure the day will come when I no longer feel this way about Uniqlo and it is just like the gap or H&M to me (to be fair, I like both, still) but for now it's a model of awesome basics and functionality.
The tricky thing about stores like this is to be simple without being boring. On that, Uniqlo has succeeded brilliantly. It's well laid out (although they could make it a bit clearer which side is Men's, and which side is Women's) and the clothes style comes across as quality basics. Simple, but good with everything. It's not high-end, but it is high quality.
Of note, t-shirts for $7-8, boxers for $8, and a cool cycling jacket for $99.
I don't think it's some place you can go to for all of your clothing needs because it's not incredibly diverse and for those more eccentric they won't feel at home here, but it's a great store to get some solid clothes at.
Worth the trip!