| - TALK LESS WORK MORE! Sure they have everything medical for your needs, except for the employees, in the ordering room, that don't give a turd about anyone. I stood there waiting for this young lady to stop talking....about seven minutes later a guy in the adjoining room said,"you have to ring the bell.(Pavlov?) I am standing right in front of her, and I know she sees me, and still she ignores me! The guy next door comes over, presses the buzzer for about 30 seconds, still she's yapping away with some other woman. Finally, I have her attention. Prescription for compression garment. I'll have to checked to see if the doctor's name is someone we recognize, I am too busy now, you'll have to come back tomorrow. I hope she has better working conditions, at her next job. I spoke to the Manager, he didn't care either saying "we are very busy".
I wonder if they play, "InsuranceOpoly" you know, the game where everybody pays?