Freed's Bakery, the Vegas institution of bakeries, is soon to be shuttered for a more polished Food Network version! Like many things in Vegas, you're constantly under the umbrella of possible reinventing yourself! This place has been Vegas' top bakery for more than 30 years and is now closing for a couple of days to start filming a new version of something similar to Cake Boss.
My visit on this day was a long time coming and certainly not disappointing. We received the six free cookies for the Yelp check-in, however they could never match the simple vanilla cake with Bavarian crime icing! A simple cake you say? I'll give you that, but excellent in flavor, presentation, and value! This was absolutely decadent and cured three days worth of a sweet tooth craving!
Here's to Freed's Bakery and hoping that the acclaim that comes from the Food Network doesn't change their hometown bakery success!