| - I'm a teacher and I am 100% unable to function without coffee. I'm also, weirdly, a morning person, but again, I am tired. So the point is, is that this is my Starbucks. You know, the one that makes your drink just exactly right? The one that calls you by name and even sometimes has your drink ready before you've walked through the door and to the counter? I zombie-stumble in Monday through Friday and get my caffeine fix before spending some time grading papers and lesson planning. Sure, there are some homeless people now and then, sometimes they ask for money and sometimes they don't. Sure, there's a lady who comes in about once a month to make some announcements about the Toyota dealership nearby - no she doesn't buy anything, just make her announcement and leaves. But also, there is a really wonderful group of regulars and baristas that are there every single day. We all speak, have a good camaraderie, and look out for one another. Being a part of a fantastic early-rising, coffee drinking crew, and getting to have spot-on baristas is a win for me.