How unfortunate that the owner hasn't figured out how to include credit card fee into prices. Be aware that you will be asked of it's ok to charge .75 for the card transaction. "No it's not ok. I just spent $30 for dinner and now you want to charge this?" Response is "yes our machine charges per transaction." My response is "where's the signage for that?" Waitress says oh it's on that sheet on the wall. I said I'm sitting on he other side of the restaurant. So even though I protested this, it gets charged. Then why ask if it's ok? I can't believe the owner expects their patrons to read obscure signage. If the charge is that important, put it on the menu. Or hire an accountant to help you with how to price your food to include overhead. On another note, the menu does not list drinks. So again it's a mystery on how much Thai tea costs.
As for the food, it was ok. The potstickers could have been cooked a bit longer. The mango and massam curry bowls were fairly fresh.
Tables were dirty. Windows were filthy. Maybe with the .75 the owner can buy some windex at the dollar store.
The waitress worked hard to wait on tables. Having to walk around half the restaurant because there is not a pass thru at the counter was unpleasant to watch.
There are plenty of other Thai restaurants around without the issues.