Medusa's definitely has more of a creative edge than most antique stores I have visited. They seem to reuse and re-purpose old items and make them new, fresh and modern. The designs always have a unique twist making an old item like a workbench with a vise and all still attached into a wet bar which make them very desirable. Don't be fooled by the re-purposed items being inexpensive. Many of these creative finds will come at a pretty penny I have seen items in the $6000 and up range here quite frequently.
My experiences here for service are definitely a hands off sales approach. I am assuming they have a great online marketing or sales page promoting there unique items. Whenever I am here during office hours I feel lucky to get a hello. They seemed to be all wrapped up in their computer or phone calls and do not really care if you have 1000's in your pockets or not. That is a shame. I will continue to browse here and check out there neat and unique craftiness. I am not sure if I will ever be able to buy from here.
If you really want service from this group I am sure it is best you make an appointment. Then they might take customer service seriously. All in all, sales of any type of product is a people business it should be important that you connect with every one who walks through the door. Or just keep it locked and never let anyone in.