I visited Dr. Kuty for 2 weeks when my son was 9-10 weeks old. He had tie revisions and was struggling breastfeeding exclusively, although I had plenty of milk. He was at 40 minutes per feeding, every 2 hours. Dr. Kuty was a supportive and knowledgeable mom and professional. Her home, turned chiropractic studio, was a warm setting that welcomed us. She was great with my son, doing exercises & adjustments that helped him gain strength, didn't show an immediate change in our breastfeeding. But as the weeks after our appointments went on, he did transfer more and more breastmilk at each feeding. The appointments had taught him new stretches and exercises, allowing him to gain the strength needed. By 16 weeks, he had shortened his feedings to 5 minutes and doubled the amount transferred. It was a long journey, with Kuty as a much needed stop along the way. I recommend her support and expertise if you are having similar issues.