Bob helped us train our 6 month old Doberman Pincher to be an amazingly obedient dog. Before calling Bob, Gonzo was a chore to walk and letting him off-leash wasn't something we would have even considered. But after only four weeks of training he can walk off-leash, stays by my side, sits when I stop walking and gets in the heel position when I start walking. He sits patiently when I tell him to sit, even if I walk away, and he runs around to my side when I tell him to heel. It's incredible.
After Bob's training I watched countless YouTube videos of people showing off their "obedient" dogs, this is when it became clear Gonzo was truely obedient. He doesn't require a steady stream of treats and we don't have to bribe him in any way. He knows what I want him to do and enjoys the praise he gets when he abides. Gonzo's much happier now with all of the extra freedom he gets on walks and my wife and I are much happier now that it's so easy to walk and to play with him.
This was all accomplished over four one hour sessions.