My wife is 26 weeks pregnant (with our 2nd) and was here on Thursday for an ultrasound when she passed out in the office. While they did come to help her get up NOBODY in the office thought to call her husband (or anyone for that matter) to come and make sure she got home ok. It wasn't until she got home that I was told by my wife what happened. Are you not supposed to be "medical professionals" who are supposed to be concerned for the health and general well being of your patients? All they would tell her is that if your not feeling well you can always reschedule for later. Seriously, she just passed out and didn't know where she was and all you cared about is your procedure and not that she was ok or would get home safe. I will be having a discussion with our Doctor about her choice to use this facility. If you have a choice please avoid this place at all costs. Someone could be seriously hurt or worse due to their lack of common spence or empathy.