I rolled in today asking for an oil change and while it was done quickly that and the fact that one older worker names Mark seemed relatively nice are about the only things I can rave about.
I talked to a man who was some sort of manager based on his name tag and I said as politely as possible "I don't want this to come off rude in any way but last time I was here, my skid plate didn't get put on right so when I drove away a few minutes later it popped off and I had to come all the way back. Is there any possible way we can make sure that gets done right?" and he says "No no no, that's not rude at all. They should have done their jobs."
So I'm feeling good, thinking we are on the same page. Well I get my oil change and drive for about 10 minutes and what do you think happens? The same skid plate pops off and is dragging down the road so AGAIN I have to drive all the way back and I'm already upset at this point but when I pull in the same "manager" who I had talked to sees me and starts LAUGHING! Apparently he thinks giving a place a second chance only to have them make the exact same mistake is hilarious. At this point I'm furious and after he waves me in, he nonchalantly giggles through telling me that there was already one screw missing so that's why it came off. Well clearly something can be done to keep it on there because it wasn't dragging before my oil was changed and it isn't dragging now after I had to bring it back. The fact that this whole thing was treated like a joke sealed the deal for me. I will NEVER go back here.