Tried the Blueberry and the Raspberry donuts. Both were just ok - maybe a little too sweet and a little too dry. Texture was a little firm for me, and maybe a little too reminiscent of a Tim's Old Fashioned. In other words, just plain not that great, not nearly enough donutty goodness to make these worthwhile. Bummed me out. In fact, I may be being too generous in my description - I only ate half of either of these donuts. I didn't even finish them. They sat in my kitchen till they were dry and hard and I threw them away. Maybe that is a more apt description of how I felt about them.
Garam Masala Sugar "Dots" didn't taste like garam masala - I shared with a friend, and neither of us could detect any spiciness, tasted just like plain cinnamon sugar. I will have to go back and try the plain cinnamon sugar for comparison. They were hot and tasty though, and far better than the donuts I sampled. I would come back to the Dots for sure, although maybe not out of my way for them.
This place is cute as button, and I'm sure that they will do well, but I'll get my donut fix elsewhere. Check out my donut list for more. :)